I am inputting my data from a SharePoint and converting it to a PPT deck through Alteryx. I used 2 different tables but sometimes they can be empty when there is no information for them. I was wondering if there was a way where the table wouldn't show up if it was empty. I have been thinking of using a formula tool and writing "If isEmpty(Table) Then ... Else (Table) ENDIF. For the "Then" there is nothing where I can write something like "delete". Let me know if there is a way of doing this!
Hey @dpatel53,
The table tool will only output a table if there at minimum a null row in the data set. Therefore, you can do something like this:
Here I use the summarize tool to count non null rows, If all the data is Null then no data is passed to the table.
Any questions or issues please ask
Ira Watt
Technical Consultant