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Removing End of File Characters from the middle of a String

6 - Meteoroid

Hi Community


I'm hoping you can help me with what I hope is a fairly simple query.


I have a ton of names where there appears to be some end of file character in the middle of the string.


I've attached a snip and you can see a square shape between the 'a' and the 'N'


If you copy and paste from Alteryx then the character has gone and you get 'MaNDEZ'. If you open in excel then you have a space when you copy into a cell which then disappears when you hit enter. If you open in notepad then you can see the square shape still.


I have tried using data cleansing (removing line breaks, tabs, duplicate whitespaces) but that didn't work.


Any help greatly appreciated!





20 - Arcturus

@sbackhouse Try the below formula


REGEX_Replace([Field1], "[^ -~]", '$1')


6 - Meteoroid

It worked - thanks for the quick (and easy) response.
