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Remove specific row

7 - Meteor

Hi! My dataset includes a column that includes the fiscal year (e.g. "FY22", "FY23",... etc.) and another column that contains names. I want to delete the rows where the name exists in FY23 but not in any of the other years.


7 - Meteor

Actually I think I made it work using the previous workflow you showed me so thank you very much but do you know how I can find the difference between the hours worked each year? Hours in FY22 - Hours in FY23 and etc.. and I want it to be DYNAMIC


If you can help with that then use the files I attached below instead of the ones I sent earlier since they're more similar to what I want.



16 - Nebula

Hi @Tala 


Yes, try the attached version.

7 - Meteor

Yes I did that and it worked, thank you so much but how can I subtract the hours in FY22 from the hours in FY23 and etc... dynamically?
