Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Connect to Website and Output Page PDF

6 - Meteoroid

Hi - will you please help me with the following:


I am trying to connect a workflow (Alteryx Designer) to a webpage (URL) and then have that page saved as a PDF. Is that possible? 


I managed to link to the site but not sure how to set up an output as a Pdf. I reckon I may need to use render and maybe a table/image tool too.


Will you please share a simple example?


Thanks everyone


15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @mmezza 

It'd be helpful if you could give us a bit more information. 

Is there data on the webpage which you want to output? Or is it the entire webpage? 

Could you give us the page that you want to output so we can test it specifically - when webscraping, there can be big changes in how alteryx 'sees' two identical looking websites...



16 - Nebula

Hi @mmezza 


I believe that you will not be able to do this (output webpages as pdf files) with only Alteryx, One way to go around this is by using python. 


1- Install

2-Run Alteryx as adm and istall pdfkit library


3-Just configure your websites/pdf output filepaths



Finally, you will be able to run it:



6 - Meteoroid

thanks! waiting to get approve the software installation by IT and will try that soon.

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