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7 - Meteor

Regex is still nearly a total mystery to me, but I think this is something it would be able to do. Any help is appreciated.


I'm pulling data off of a report. Each line that I need starts with a zero and a space, and then the description and amount. Like this


0 ABC Transactions              50.00

0 BCDEF Transactions       100.00


I want to find each line and grab the first word after the zero, which will be varying lengths. So along with the amount, my output would be:


ABC         50.00

BCDEF   100.00


I know how to grab the entire description no problem, but I'm hoping to just get the vendor name and not 'transactions', just for the sake of it looking cleaner. I know I could grab it all, then drop a formula in later and just remove the stuff I don't want pretty easily. I'm thinking Regex might be a better solution though.


Thanks for any help!


22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Phermes1 


Here is how i would do it in regex tool parse mode. Capture the first word after "0 " and number after transaction.



Hope this helps 🙂

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Phermes1 


If your vendor column which has value "ABC" always has a string without spaces. Then you can use data cleanse tool to remove duplicate spaces and use text to column (separator : space) to split them into columns without regex 🙂



Hope this helps 🙂

6 - Meteoroid

Hey Paul,


This might help you. Let me know if you face any problem.



6 - Meteoroid

@Phermes1 , If you want both vendor name and amount in one cell then you can use the replace method of regex as shown in the image below.



