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Regex replace is truncating string at the end

6 - Meteoroid

I am new to Regex. My input string in Text Input Tool is "Ha HaHa". I am using Regex replace to replace \bHa with "Bar". Case insensitivity check is also on. What I expect it to show in output is "Bar BarHa" as \b would identify the word boundary so \bHa would replace only first two "Ha". The output that I am getting is "Bar BarH". Could anyone please explain where I am going wrong and what is actually happening here?

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @GJNom 


This could a possibility that this a data type size issue which is truncating your string. Try using select tool and increasing the string size.



I tried same regex as yours and it working for me.




Hope this helps 🙂


22 - Nova
22 - Nova

And thank you sharing the usage of \b. Its the first time i am coming across it. It has a great usage 🙂

6 - Meteoroid

Thanks @atcodedog05 . It was indeed the data type size issue. I increased the size and it worked. 🖖

6 - Meteoroid

No problem. I am glad that you got to know about it through me. Sharing is caring! Enjoy its usage. 🤝
