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Regex Replace used in formula tool

6 - Meteoroid

I am trying to replace below strings using Regex:

1) interest payable pursuant to this Section 3(d)(ii) on an Installment Due Date will be $108,452.04.

2) "Fixed Interest Rate" means the annual interest rate of 4.36%.


Desired result: $108,452.04      #for 1st line

                        4.36%                #for 2nd line


I am using the following methods for the respective lines:

if REGEX_Match([Field],".*fixed interest rate.*") then REGEX_Replace([Field],"(.*?)(\d+.*%)","$1.$2%")


if REGEX_Match([Field], ".*interest payable pursuant.*") then REGEX_Replace([Field], "(.*?)(\$\d+.*?)(,\d+.*)", "$1")


The result that I get using the above codes are the same previous lines, there is no change.


I don't know what I am doing wrong. Can anyone please correct my code?

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @yvkpatel 


Would you be able to post the string you're trying to parse with these other formulae? Easier to troubleshoot RegEx if we can see what you're looking at.




15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Ah, nevermind. I see your statement 🙂

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @yvkpatel 


When testing your new Regex_Replace on just that string of characters, it works. So, my thought is that within the IF/THEN/ELSEIF, that particular line is matching first to another Regex_Match in a previous ELSEIF.


If you change the order of the IFs and ELSEIFs (maybe try putting the latest one first), does it work?




6 - Meteoroid

I tried changing the order of else if conditional statements and by putting the last one 1st I got the correct answer. So I think as you all said above regarding the problem I was facing it was totally true and Thank You for your kind support with the whole problem.



Yaksh Patel
