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Regex Help - Expression not giving the results expected

6 - Meteoroid
I have a string that may contain the values: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,888,981 or any permutation of those 9 values.  I am using RegEx with Parse output option with the following expression - ^(1)|(2)|(3)|(4)|(5)|(6)|(7)|(888)|(981)$.

Example - Field value = 2,4,981

When I use the expression above and parse the capture groups into their own buckets I only get the first match and all the other buckets have whitespace (Not null).  I expected to see the values in the 2nd, 4th, and 9th bucket respectively.  RegEx Buddy gives me the expected results (using a RegEx format of Perl 5.2.0).  What am I doing wrong?
6 - Meteoroid

Big Kudos go out to Gene Rinas for his elegant solution to this problem.  Was able to bypass RegEx completely!

By using "Text to Columns" then adding a "counter" field with a value of one.  A cross tab with a group on the recordID, the response as the header field and count as the data field gave me EXACTLY what I was looking for.
rtaImage (1).png
