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RegEx - Tokenize - Split to rows

7 - Meteor

Hi All

Would you please look at this config? My RegEx works but it only outputs 30 rows on any cell I pick - everytime. It is not an issue with the dataset since sometimes it outputs the result which are at the beginning of the cell and it does not pick them when they are later in the chain (if it exceeds 30 items).


Is there any 30 rows limit on RegEx?



I would appreciate your help. 


Thank you



17 - Castor

Hi @magdaemem 


Can you please share a sample dataset where it was not working after 30 occurrences.

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

hi @magdaemem 

There is no limit on Regex split to row.

I am guessing that when you viewed the data at the output anchor, you only saw 30 records. Did you add a browse tool after the Regex? The preview anchor only shows up to 1MB of data (i.e. not all the data is visible) unless you put a browse tool, in which case all records will be visible when you click on the browse tool.

Perhaps you can attach you workflow so that the community members can help you better.

7 - Meteor

Thank you @ShankerV and @DawnDuong for your inputs. I spent some time on digging and found out the reason.


My dataset was CSV which by deafult has field length set to 254 while some cells contained up to 2k characters. I changed field lenght and it works now.


