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Records not passing from one tool to another

8 - Asteroid


Join and filter tool are not passing records to any output points despite matching criteria


I have a workflow that used a number of join and filters. 

Quite suddenly one of the join tools which was working on the same data set stop giving any output. Not even Left, Join, or Right output. Everything appears blank. I also noticed that the fieldset I have selected is from Join checklist was also not picked by the other tools down the stream, hence they complained of missing fields


I tried to remove that tool altogether and noticed that all the tools down the line had the same behavior.

This is very perplexing . Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @fardeen9983 


This scenario would require investigating the workflow. Without looking at it we cant help you out 😶

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hey @fardeen9983  I agree with @atcodedog05 that without seeing your workflow it's very hard to help. But as a punt, are any of these tools in containers?

And if so is it possible that their container is disabled, but not collapsed? I think I remember that this was possible in older versions of Alteryx...

8 - Asteroid

Unfortunately, we are using workflows deemed confidential as a result I couldn't release even a replica of the same.

Fortunately, though the issue has been resolved. A join tool, later on, was getting an error due to a field name change (fetched from an API) which forced the erroneous Join tool to not process any record as per Alteryx's optimization policy. This was confusing me hence I overlooked the main issue. 


Regardless thank you all for the assitance
