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Reading outlook emails and sending emails

8 - Asteroid

Is it possible for alteryx to read an email body and subject.

Then insert the parsed subject into a template?


Email subject is:


ID:232323 , delete 90% and remove X


But sometimes the subject could be 


"For ID:232323 please delete 90% and then remove X, thanks"




This email would be read by alteryx and reformatted to be. 


For ID:232323, please delete 90% and remove X from the list. 



Would the subject need to be standardized for this to work? 

Can it still work if the subject is variable due to someone manually typing it. 



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

If you're talking about REGEX, then it will need to be standardized. That is within your control and your user(s)'s control. 


If it gets too distinct then you may have some weird results if someone goes out of their way to make it special or edit freely. 

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE