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Read multiple files with Sharepoint input tool

7 - Meteor



I would like to use the Sharepoint Input tool to read multiple files in our sharepoint folder rather then sync with onedrive.  I know I can use a wildcard to get all files that starts with, for example starts with "Daily Sale 2024*".  I know I can do the string & wildcard combination using the Input Data tool but how do I do it using the Sharepoint Input tool?



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I asked this question to my Alteryx rep before because SharePoint was an absolute beast for me to handle alone. 


You can refer to the screenshots below that they sent to me:


The question mark is actually the SharePoint Input tool - don't mind it because I don't have their latest version so I'm just riding on their macro design. All credit to Alteryx Japan team cc @GaneshBo 









Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

From there, you can then link the macro to your main workflow like this:




P.S I forgot about the macro's settings on the Interface Designer side:


Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
7 - Meteor

Hi, thanks for your reply.  Apologies I havent follow up on this as I've been busy on another project.


Can I just confirm something.


My Objective:

What I wanted to do is read all the monthly daily sales report in a "2024" Sharepoint folder and all the sales report are named the same way, eg Daily Sales 2024Apr, Daily Sales 2024May, Daily Sales 2024JunMTD ....etc.  I was hoping to be able to configure Sharepoint to just read all files in the "2024" Sharepoint folder with the filename "Daily Sales 2024* "


Proposed solution:

Is the above solution to create an Action - Update Value tool for each of the monthly daily sales report that is in the Sharepoint folder?  So the first Action string will be "Daily Sales 2024Apr", the next Action with string "Daily Sales "2024May", and so forth ...etc.?
