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Re: Running SQL Scripts In Alteryx

8 - Asteroid


I'm new to alteryx as well but not to SQL. 

Challenge: So am trying to lookup a table in MySql database based on some conditions which can be pulled into alteryx workflow where I have few unstructured data from different sources to be compared with. 


Explaining what I see: The SQL that I use returns close to 21000 records based on the where clause in my MySql client. I can preview the select statement in the configuration window where it lists the  top 100 records.

Problem: As the tables are too big to be read every time,  I have a query with conditions in where clause to the input tool(ODBC set and working fine)  at the config window and execute the WF, I can get only the first record to be displayed in the browse window. It returns only 1 record. 

Required: The SQL should retrieve all records for the query used so I can compare/lookup the results for further processing. 


TIP: I'm looking for a source qualifier tool as in other ETL tools like Informatica where the SQL will fetch all records for that query. 


Can you help please? 


PS: I have already tried using dynamic input tool as suggested in other threads. no luck. An example would greatly help. 

8 - Asteroid

Friends! Any thought in this? 

8 - Asteroid

@MarqueeCrew Hi! Do you have any thought on this? Been looking for some answers but no luck. I ask your suggestion because your mentioned the use of MariaDB ODBC x64 ODBC connector help. Have you tested the outcome? 


Thank you in advance! Looking forward. 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Raghu_s


Can you upload the script that you are trying to run?


It seems like what you are wanting to do should be achievable through either the dynamic input tool or creating an app/macro with the standard input tool.




8 - Asteroid

Thanks Joe. 


I just found another thread "ODBC query results in only 1 row"  where Mark suggests to use another ODBC connector which could possibly solve the issue. Am yet to try( admin rights on the server to install the new driver) but trying to understand why a native ODBC connector from MySql is not supporting. 


Can you share any post/app topics for trying out your suggestion? 



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Ah OK, hopefully the new driver will sort that for you.


There is a knowledge base article written here from a little while ago that I believe is similar to what you are wanting to do:



8 - Asteroid

Thanks for the share! 


Anyhow the Maria Diver solved the issue and am good to read data from databases. 
