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Quickbooks Enterprise ODBC Connection Error

7 - Meteor

I am trying to connect to a QB Enterprise file using an ODBC 32 bit connection. The connection works and will read all the tables. I am trying to pull all fields of a singular table using the 'table' tab of the query builder and I am getting this error:


Error: Input Data (7): Error SQLExecute: [QODBC] Invalid cursor state


An access database is currently doing pulling these tables so I know it can connect, but I need to do a bunch of data blending using alteryx. 


Open to any and all solutions.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hello @Hayden_McHan 

Thanks for posting to the Community!


It looks like this topic was covered in another post with a potential solution.


I hope this helps you out! 



Community Moderator
5 - Atom


Hello @Hayden_McHan


Please open the QODBC setup screen and change the QODBC Compatibility mode from “Default” to “3.8.”


To change, please follow the below steps:

Start >> All Programs >> QODBC Driver for QuickBooks >> Configure QODBC Data Source >>Go To "System DSN" Tab>> select DSN "QuickBooks Data" >> click "Configure”>> Switch to "Advanced" tab>> Navigate to "QODBC Compatibility">> change to "3.8"


If you are using QRemote, change ODBC compatibility to 3.8


QRemote 32-Bit
Start >> All Programs >> QODBC Driver for use with QuickBooks >> Configure QODBC Data Source >>Go to "System DSN" Tab>> select "QuickBooks Data
QRemote" DSN > click "Configure">> Switch to Advanced tab and change 'ODBC Compatibility' to '3.8' and click the Apply/OK button.

QRemote 64-Bit
Start >> All Programs >> QODBC Driver for use with QuickBooks (64-Bit)>> Configure QODBC Data Source >>Go to "System DSN" Tab>> select "QuickBooks Data 64-bit QRemote" DSN >> click "Configure">> Switch to Advanced tab and change 'ODBC Compatibility' to '3.8' and click the Apply/OK button.


If you are still facing the issue, please raise a support ticket at




QODBC Support

7 - Meteor

Sadly that did not fix it. I just submitted a help ticket
