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QuickBase API GetTempToken

11 - Bolide

Anyone else use Alteryx to get a temporary token using the QuickBase API?


I'm able to create JSON files for inserting/updating records as well as query and create JSON files using the QB API with a specified User Token.  However, I want to be able to generate/use a temporary token each time a particular querying workflow is ran but I'm having a hard time getting theDownload tool to work.  I keep getting back a bad request/internal error even though connection is established.  The data elements are correct as I I get a temp token returned when I use the online API Portal.


I've even tried using my own QB credentials on the Connection tab of the Download Tool, but still same error.  And the QB app is set to require an application app.


Any guidance/assistance is appreciated.






Can you try changing the case of the Header columns to the case specified in the documentation? I know it sounds weird, but sometimes APIs can be picky on this and right now you have them in all caps. Additionally, it asks that you specify a User-Agent header as well so please try passing this header as well with something like Alteryx as the value. You also need to check the box for Content-Type in the headers tab of the download tool so that the value will be passed in there as well. 






11 - Bolide

@BrandonB Thanks for the suggestions on case sensitive and other above; I tried all different combinations with the checkboxes.  Some would actually give me specific details of waht was missing/incorrect.  I tried everything and still getting a generic Bad Request.  I suppose I will need to submit a ticket to QB Support with the qb-api-ray code and see if they can tell me specficially what the issue is.


Can you give this workflow a try (attached)? I made a couple of tweaks in how it is configured, but generally speaking it should be very similar. 




Please replace the dbid, qb app token, and qb realm hostname values with your company's values. I have a feeling that maybe the hostname is incorrect in your case. 


I am also wondering if it has anything to do with what they have outlined in their code snippet with the xmlhttp.onreadystatechange piece




I am not as well versed in Javascript or jQuery, but I would ask their support team if they have a cURL equivalent which would be easier to translate into Alteryx. 




11 - Bolide

@BrandonB Tried this as well and all of my other QB workflows work without issue.  I found out that since we use Single-Sign-On service, this is why I'm getting the error with the temporary token API.  Also would not be able to generate a ticket.  I will need to continue using specifc user tokens which is not a problem, I was just trying to avoid them.


Thanks for taking the time to take a look and giving suggestions.


Bummer, but that makes sense. Happy to help and glad you have a path forward even if it isn't 100% ideal!
