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Python Tool - Notebook loading but it is not executing when I ran the workflow

5 - Atom

Hi All,


Recently had some issues when Jupyter notebook was not starting due to firewall blocking some of the executables in Alteryx directory


Now that it has been unblocked i am able to start the notebook and force it to run from the notebook control toolbar.


However, upon running the workflow i can see that it does not execute - what set of executables in the Alteryx directory do i need to ensure are not blocked by the firewall in order for Python tool to run when i stat the workflow ?




19 - Altair

is there additional python code? if not - your python code won't do anything. also - toggle to production vs interactive.

5 - Atom

Sure there is an additional code that have always worked and produced results on output node 1 and 2 plus it would also createed output file in the folder using python code. It has always worked until it got blocked by firewall. and since then it has not worked properly. i need to know which files i need to ensure are unblocked by firewall - i have ensured that all files with jupyter in name have been unblocked - but obviously there are some other files involved

19 - Altair

So if the notebook runs in interactive mode -> I don't think this is an issue of missing executables. There could be issues with a firewall block - but reporting on it as an error would really be code dependent - which you haven't shared. Like if you are retrieving a list - and the list comes back [] vs an error - there could be an issue. I'd recommend executing your code in the notebook and seeing if it works. If it doesn't track down why.


RE: Firewall-> I assume you are running this locally and I assume you have access to your drive. If you are running your python script on Designer (vs Server) -> It should be running as you and the connection should be coming from your machine. assuming you can access the files - it should not be a firewall issue. We often see firewall issues a) from Server and b) in downloading packages.

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