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Publish to Tableau Server- Error Messages-

6 - Meteoroid

Hello All,


I am trying to configure the Publish to Tableau Server tool so that I can output the results of a workflow to our Tableau Server. I am able to successfully connect to the Tableau Server and select the Project that I wish to output the data to, however, when I try to run the workflow I receive the following error messages:


Error: Publish to Tableau Server (2): Tool #33: Tool #4: Tableau Server API Request (Sign-in) Error Code 401001: Signin Error -- Error signing in to Tableau Server


Error: Publish to Tableau Server (2): TableauServer.UploadChunks (238): Iteration #1: Tool #11: Error transferring data: URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL


Some additional context:

Publish to Tableau Server Tool: Version 2.0

Alteryx Designer Version: 2019.4.8.22007

Tableau Server Version:  2020.2.1 64-bit Windows


I am also utilizing a service account which has access to publish to the Tableau Project.


Some responses in similar threads suggest the issue may be related to special characters in my passwords. Any help that you could provide would be greatly appreciated. 


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @ekurutz


I wasn't able to tell from your initial message but do you have any special characters in your password for Tableau? Tableau does not allow special characters when connecting through API. If you do have special characters, can you change you password to exclude special characters? If you don't, I would be reach out to your Tableau Admin team. They can review your access and check to see why the API is not working. 


Hope this helps!


6 - Meteoroid
Hi Ashley,

Thanks for your response. My current password does contain one special

Eric Kurutz
Internal Audit
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @ekurutz -


Did you try changing the password? Did it work once you changed it?


If so, make sure that you mark this as a solution so others know your questions was answered!



7 - Meteor

Both errors seem like credentials issues, either the project folder name is wrong or may be the updating source is wrong. First error also suggest may be login credentials are wrong. Version of the tools should not be causing there errors 

11 - Bolide
8 - Asteroid

Hi @AshleyL , the Tableau connector works when I use my credentials and password, which does contain "&" in it but it doesn't want to work when I use our service account, which only has "#" as symbol in it. Could this special symbol rule only be applicable to service accounts? I thought maybe it could be the userid but the service account only has "-" and no other symbols. What are your thoughts?

11 - Bolide

Presuming the service account has publish permission. You may have found the problem. 

I pulled the list of characters to avoid from both url and windows command line special characters, because I had also had problems using tabcmd with certain passwords.


This tool uses urls for the API so perhaps the & is OK there. 


My solution was to get a new service account set up with password clean of the problematic characters.



8 - Asteroid

I will try that and report back. Thanks for the quick reply @AshleyL ! 🙂

5 - Atom

did that work - getting rid of the special characters in the password?
