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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Preventing Duplicate Counties with the Join Tool

5 - Atom

I created a workflow to show where we earned our revenue down to the street address. I am trying to populate a "county" column by using the join tool to match the zipcode from my revenue document to a zipcode database. However whenever one zipcode exists in two different counties it creates duplicate values (see screenshot) Is there a way to tell Alteryx to take the first county that has been applied to a zipcode and apply it to the rest of those zipcodes?




Any help is greatly appreciated.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

I'd use a summarize tool with a group by on zip code and then use the first county. This will give you a unique list of zip codes and the first country associated in your list.


Use this as your reference table within your join.

7 - Meteor

Find and replace could also be used in this instance instead of using the join tool.


In order to use the Join tool, you will need to have a unique list of zipcodes, otherwise multiple results will populate in the output, which a Summarize will do, as identified by @echuong1 

5 - Atom

This worked, thanks for your help!
