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Populate dropdown with Sharepoint input

6 - Meteoroid

Hi all,


Any help at all would be appreciated.


I am trying to populate a dropdown menu with Values from an excel file in sharepoint so that the menu options can be dynamic. Is there any good way to connect a Sharepoint input tool to a Dropdown menu interface tool?



13 - Pulsar

Are you able to sync your Sharepoint site to your OneDrive? If you are are you can setup the Drop Down tool to list its values based on an "External Source - Must Contain NAME && VALUE fields (Can be relative path)". Then select the excel file thats located in your synced OneDrive folder. 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Yes @ksamuel - but you may need to split this into 2 different jobs:


- First a job to bring the data from sharepoint into an ODBC data source (e.g. a CSV file or a SQL DB)

- Second would then be the one with the interface tools (dropdown) - and point this to your data source


There is not currently a way to connect drop-down tools directly to a sharepoint list - but if this is a need you have often, then I'd suggest that you create an idea for this under Designer Ideas. 

