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How to download files without url - only with a button - from websites

5 - Atom

Good Morning,


I wanna know how to download files without url - only with a button like "Baixar arquivo .CSV" in the attachment.



13 - Pulsar

Hey @brunasollito,


Can you specify further what you are trying to achieve with this? What is the part of Alteryx in this? 

On the website you linked to there is a button, that is true, but there is still a URL linked behind the button. It is just covered up to make it stand out. 



5 - Atom

I am trying to use this as an "Input Data". The first thing to do in a my process is to download this archive e than do some filters and adjustments.


You said there is an URL linked behind the button and it is just covered up, could you help me to find it? 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @brunasollito - the only way to do this is to look underneath the covers to find out what happens - in this case it looks like it's calling some java script (and I'm not sure how to call that without invoking the page)

it's not a bad idea to spend some time with the Chrome Developer tools; and seeing if you can find a way to call a java script function on a page without invoking a browser.


The other alternative would be to use Selenium and then click that button through code - there's a good article on using Selenium in Alteryx if you search for it.


