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Please Help with Conditional Formula to Identify 34 Months Prior to Today's Date

5 - Atom

Good Afternoon All.


I am in need of some assistance writing a conditional formula that will return dates 34 months prior to today's date with the date in the column and anything else with a dummy date of 1900-01-01.

Source data has dates ranging from 09/23/2019 - 08/21/2023.

34 months prior to today would be 02/14/2021.

Every date from 02/14/2021 to current would need to show the date.

Everything prior to 02/14/2021 would need to show 1900-01-01.


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as I've tried several iterations with unsuccessful results (see below).

Thank you in advance.


if ToNumber(DateTimeMonth(DateTimeToday()))-tonumber(DateTimeMonth([Provider Payment Issue Date]))<=34 then [Provider Payment Issue Date] else "1900-01-01" endif


IIF([Provider Payment Issue Date] <= left(todate(datetimeadd(datetimetoday(),-1,'Month')),7)+'-34', '[Provider Payment Issue Date]', '1900-01-01')


if [Provider Payment Issue Date]<=DatetimeAdd(ToDate(DatetimeNow()),-34,'months') then [Provider Payment Issue Date] else "1900-01-01" endif

12 - Quasar

@NagibP here is one way to do this. I would recommend breaking the elements of the formula into their own fields so it is easier to handle in piecemeal. Also, instead of the ToNumber(DateTimeMonth) conversion piece you are doing, I would recommend utilizing the DateTimeAdd function to find the testing date first, then using it as a field in a secondary formula. 


Formula logic

Solution 2.png


Final output


5 - Atom

Thank you so much @rzdodson! You're a lifesaver!

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