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Parsing a JSON Response from SOQL Query

8 - Asteroid

Hi All.


I am having trouble with extracting my data from my Salesforce Input tool using a Custom Query.

It was a success in validating the query, as well as , I clicked on "Attempt to Parse JSON Response".

I expected to see my data but got this instead.



How Can I fix this? Is it with my SOQL query? 



19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @bryanmac_92 


Start by adding a record ID and then using a JSON Parse tool to break down your data into name value fields.  From there, you need to narrow down to the actual values that you're looking for.  See here for a good example.



5 - Atom

Hi I'm also stuck in the same process. May I ask if you already have a solution for this?

5 - Atom

Hi, would you be willing to illustrate more on how to add recordId by modifying SOQL? I search around but only found solutions using other coding languages after getting the results.

example SOQL:
SELECT Id, AccountId, AccountName, CreatedDate  form  Opportunity WHERE CreatedDate >= 2024-04-01T00:00:00Z


18 - Pollux

@angiechen9762 recordID is an Alteryx tool. you'd add that and then use jsonParse in alteryx.

5 - Atom

Thank you so very much! It worked.
