I'm trying to take several scanned in copies of refund checks remit slips and output 5 fields into a tabular format that I can use for Accounting purposes. Currently, the IF Contains and REGEX formula I'm attempting is not recognizing the cell values. Curious if it's a Data type issue? Also curious if any other users have suggestions on creating this workflow?
Hi @msjac01. I think you are trying to get the date from column 7 if column 6 contains 'issue date'. In that case I would use:
if constains ([column 6], 'Issue date:') then [column 7], else Null() endif
That worked, but for some reason the formula isn't pulling back any alpha characters, only numeric values. Here's the formula: IF Contains([Column 6],"Issued Date:") THEN REGEX_Replace([Column 7], "[A-Za-z]","") ELSE Null() ENDIF
Is that a REGEX_Replace issue?