Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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8 - Asteroid

Hi Ladies and Gentlemen,


I have been trying to re-design a workflow I have attached. Design 1 is my current design, Design 2 is the initial design. While im able to cut down on the number of regex tools used in parsing, I have noticed a discrepancy in the results. While the Deisgn 2 (initial design) has 4 categories filtered for output, Design 1 has only 3, I wonder if this have something to do with the shortcut I created in Parsing? How can I approach this and get the same output as Design 2? 


I'm really new to alteryx and i've been trying to re-create workflows to learn more, I would appreciate help from this community. 


Thanking all contributors in advanced!

21 - Polaris

@samxhander09 I am not sure why you are using so many DateTime tools and Regex_Tool, which makes the workflow complicated. I updated your workflow with few tools also you are overwriting the "Remarks Field" each time, not sure if is that something you want. I updated your workflow up to the formula tool which creates the remark section, maybe you can start from there and complete the workflow






8 - Asteroid

Hi @binuacs, thanks for providing your insight. It sure helped me see this in another perspective. Cheers!

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