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8 - Asteroid



Please see the attached workflow and snapshot of the same below. I'm trying to do the same for about 20+ fields(title,role,CRD etc) where I check if one is empty and other one has a value and vice versa. I just tested it for two columns(first name and last name). I used formula tool and then had to union the output. This is fine if it's just few columns but when it's 20+ columns then will have lot of formula tools. I thought about multi-row and multiple if condition but then realized that if condition would not work when one of the condition is true. So I just used two different formula tools, one for first name and one for last name and then union the output. 


Just wondering if there is a simplified way to check all at once and have all statuses in one row(Eg: first name review,last name review,title review....)?

Or do I need to build some sort of macro for this?





21 - Polaris

@aparna0208 One way of doing this dynamically




8 - Asteroid

@binuacs Thank you for your inputs:) I tried this but one thing that I noticed is after doing a transpose and using formula filter where value is empty, it is actually looking for all rows where it is empty. It shouldn't work that way. Now by doing this if first name and sf first name is null it says 'review'. The condition I'm looking for is if first name is empty and sf first name has value or vice versa then review.

21 - Polaris

@aparna0208 are you looking for something like the below? If not can you provide more data and the expected results?




21 - Polaris

@aparna0208 checking whether the above solution working for you or not? 

8 - Asteroid


that was fun to do, 

attached solution check for null and for "not match" as well,

however it is too complicated you might be better with macro or with your solution , but if you are interested here is another way to do it 


8 - Asteroid

@binuacs Sorry I got busy with another project for past few months so had to hold off on this. Now I'm back at it. I tried this solution and looks like it works. I'm trying to understand and follow the workflow to see what it's doing.


One quick question is I know there is this multi row formula to compare the columns to see if it's null or not and return the result. Is there a way to also add another condition or replace the whole formula to see if one value equals other or not(For example: sf first name!=first name). I think if I do this then it would also take care of the null check. Any inputs on this would be appreciated. Thank you so much!

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