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Output to existing Rendered excel, Specify sheet name error

10 - Fireball



I want to keep my formatting of my existing rendered excel. When I output i am getting error "You must specific sheet name".


However I have 8 sheets that I need to overwrite. How do I do this?


These are tables that i want to overwrite.





11 - Bolide

After generating the formatting table, just output new data to the specified range, it will surely work. I think you may have made some logical error. 


19 - Altair

The workflow you uploaded is wrong. you are not outputting a report snippet in your output data - you are outputting your original data source timed after your render in your output data. I would use a dummy field (and drop my report snippets) to control order after my render. see attached.


A report snippet (as generated by the table tool) is formatted html it is not compatable with an output data tool. 

10 - Fireball

@sparksun thanks. looks to work in terms of colored tabs


1) Seem to be losing the table header when i write to the excel

1) How do I know the range to use? Can I just set it to A1:A1000 to cover everything? Will I lose the table formatting?

10 - Fireball

@apathetichell  works nicely ! so my steps are 


1) I use render, write my data to exce

2)then i  manually go open excel and color the tab.

3) Then I disable that render tool (indefinetly) and will just write to that workbook using output data from now on.


But now getting issues -


1) Header isnt staying from original output - See photo

2) Range, how can I make the output data range dynamic?

19 - Altair

You are writing over cell A1 (which includes the header cell). I'd recommend doing a row count. appending that to your datasource. using a formula tool to create a new field called something like filename the range (is filename|sheetname$range) where range starts on row2 (so you don't overwrite the header). you'll need to use a column count too if you don't want ot hardcode it. use a select tool to drop the extraneous fields except filename. edit your output data tool to change the entire path to filename.

10 - Fireball

@apathetichell thanks, looks to be working, but having trouble preserving that cool table look!



10 - Fireball

@apathetichell not sure if this can be done

7 - Meteor


@wonka1234  Untick "Skip file names" in the output tile or adjust the range.

If you have skipped the file names, your range is shifted by one and the output was saved outside the table.

10 - Fireball

@mzak89  do you mean skip field names ? trying that and it still isnt ending up in the table format.


Please see attached.

19 - Altair

skip field names is a check box in output data. it is not checked. because it is not checked you are printing your fieldname in column a2. you want to print data in a2. Check the box.
