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Output to excel binary file problem

5 - Atom

Good morning all. I've been banging my head on on this a while and can't seem to get it. I'm trying to output data to an excel binary file to a tab that is already in the file using the "Delete Data & Append" option in the Output Options. When it writes to the file, it doesn't overwrite the tab in the file, it creates a new tab. For example, I'm trying to write to a tab named "data", and instead of overwriting, there is a new tab called "data1" in the file. I don't have any references to a "data1" tab anywhere in the workflow.


Any ideas?



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hello @lca1220 
Thanks for posting to the Community.
Can you please share a copy of your workflow? Im not sure enough was provided from the screenshot to see how you have your output field set up.
Once you provide the sample workflow with some sample data, the Community can help troubleshoot further!


Community Moderator