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Output to Database ... Error Relation already exists

5 - Atom

I am trying to output results of a workflow to a database and I keep getting the below error ( the ... lists all the field names)



Error: Output Data (269): Error creating table "geagp_sccost2.s0_engndb_cms_exl_monthly_actuals_r": ERROR: relation "s0_engndb_cms_exl_monthly_actuals_r" already exists;
Error while executing the query
CREATE TABLE "geagp_sccost2"."s0_engndb_cms_exl_monthly_actuals_r" ("op_contract_part" text,"op_value_stream" text,....)


I'm connecting using the ODBC Connection and the User Name does have updater access to the schema.  


Does anyone know what this error is trying to say?  


8 - Asteroid

Thanks. The above worked after the permissions on database schema was changed.


The Overwrite (drop) works on pg bulk loader in 2020.3

5 - Atom

For me, the solution was to pick a different table to overwrite. There was something about the table I was trying to overwrite that didn't allow me to do so, but when I picked a different one it allowed it. 
