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Output excel column with different types

7 - Meteor



I want to output data in excel which contains one column with different data types (see example).

Unfortunately it needs to be like this and I cannot have different columns for each test set. 


So its basically one field in alteryx named "TEST1" which includes the numeric test results, empty rows between the tests and the string values for the test names. When setting the field to "Double" I have the correct numeric values in excel but no headers. If I set it to "string", I have the headers and values but excel does not recognice the values as numeric anymore.


Is there any smart way to solve this?



13 - Pulsar

Do the number of records under each of the "Test" headings change each time the workflow is run, or do they remain the same? If they are the same you can use the "Overwrite and Preserve Formatting" option on output and set the range of the output. Format your cells in excel after the first run through and save the document. Everytime you run the flow afterwards the numbers will stay as numbers and the headings will stay as strings. If the number of records under each of the headings change its going to be much more complicated to keep those numbers as numbers. 

7 - Meteor

Thats exactly my issue. The number of lines is not fixed but changes :( 

14 - Magnetar

Would you be able to export as a CSV?  Then you can open the file and save it to Excel and the number formatting works.


Solution from here:

Output to Numbers instead of Text in excel output - Alteryx Community

7 - Meteor

@Christina_H I will give it a try. thank you

12 - Quasar

Have you tried using an export to range in Excel? You could set the data to output to the range and the different data types could have separate output tools. If you needed the ranges to be dynamic, you could use a formula tool to adjust the filename and excel sheet and range. Then the output could change based on the column for the filename.


See attached:

