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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Output Data tool in Batch macro need to convert string to datetime automatically

6 - Meteoroid

I need to use a batch macro that processes 100+ tables from Athena view into SQL.  In the batch macro, I use Output Data tool to write the data into SQL tables.   I use "Update; Insert if New" option for the Output Data.


My SQL tables were created ahead of time.   And each table, each field has different data type.  However, my source tables were extracted from Athena view, but all the fields are in 'String' type.


The reason I use batch macro is to process 100+ tables all in one place.  But it would be difficult to use Formula to convert data type for each table and each field.    It would defeat the purpose of using batch macro. 


So my question is that " Can Alteryx Output Data tool convert 'string' to 'datetime', 'int' to SQL automatically"? 


Thanks in advance.

18 - Pollux

do your dates have a set format? if so you can use datetimeparse and set it up for that.


you are querying s3 files. We don't know the format of those S3 files. You can set up rules using Alteryx somewhere in your workflow, or somewhere in your Athena query. Or use Glue. But how things are set up - and what you can do is kind of limitless with how you've described it.
