Very Simple trying to write using Output data Tool to Oracle Database (tool set to Delete Data and Append).
File table was created Manually using DDL Create. Need to control the Oracle Datatypes on the table. Alteryx set datatypes differently by default when you allow Alteryx to create its own DD, so need to use the table created by Oracle DDL
Table has about 30 columns and initially when running Alterys was getting Invalid Identifier on next to last column, Checked spelling everything was ok. In Alteryx a disabled the offending column from being updated/inserted.. The Invalid Identifier moved up one column... I disabled ALL columns except for the 1st and still get Invalid Identifier on that 1st column.
the table has no primary key, there was one (an identity column) and i took that out as part of the investigation.. Now the table has 30 columns, no primary key or identity column and only 1st column checked in Alteryx and still getting the Invalid Identifier.
Originally work flow was writing out to Tableau data source... this still works, but in trying to get to the bottom of Output DataTool Error... i eliminated the Tableau tool as well... Now i just have the Browse Tool and the Output Data tool... The Browse Tools shows the correct rows....(1st column has data all the others are set to null)