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Output Data Tool - Geometry Spatial Type

Alteryx Product Evangelist
Alteryx Product Evangelist

Hey folks! 


Wondering if anyone has used this option in the output data tool successfully as I am not finding documentation on it. If you can provide an example even better! 






Joshua Burkhow | Chief Evangelist @ Alteryx | Follow me on LinkedIn and Twitter
8 - Asteroid

Hi @JoshuaB  found this thread by accident when trying to find out if anyone else had noticed that the output tool seems to be reverting to Geometry after being set to Geography. I haven't tracked down the problem yet - and it might just be me!

We use Geography spatial type because we store most of our data in SQL - and we have found that working in WGS84 / Geography plays more nicely with our GIS - certainly, mixing Geography and Geometry is problematic.

I can see why Geometry would be default and more appealing to anyone who wants to prioritise speed and simplicity.

I do wonder if it might be more useful to be able to set this as a user default though - if you are using Geography, you are unlikely to want to accidently create outputs in Geometry (as we often seem to do), though happy to be corrected.
