Output Data: Adding data to existing .yxdb
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I am trying to add a daily snapshot to an existing .yxdb database. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to achieve this?
In SQL, I would achieve this with an insert statement like below:
Insert Into table_name as
(Select * from view/table)
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Hi @schenkelpat
I'd do something like this:
Get your "daily snapshot" unioned to your existing database and overwrite the file. Block Until Done is used so you don't have read/write to the same file at the same time problems.
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Thank you @Thableaus! That worked! Appreciate the help!
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i have monthly files of data, i would like to be to able to add february data where january ends. do you know how this is possible? i essentially have 12 files for each month for 3 years, i would like to add each of the files and then go through the created workflow.
any suggestions?