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Other users can't run my python induced workflow (Strange NBConvertApp error)

7 - Meteor

Hi everyone,


I'm currently lost trying to figure out why other users can't run my workflow which basically pulls data with Python's 'pandas-datareader' package from Yahoo finance of some selected companies as one master stock dataset. 


I can run it on my PC but for some reason, others get a 'NB convert error' which I can't seem to figure out.


Info: Python (2): [NbConvertApp] Converting notebook C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Temp\ffd59710-d5de-48aa-8a5b-c60b4398785e\2\workbook.ipynb to html
[NbConvertApp] Executing notebook with kernel: python3
[NbConvertApp] Writing 309060 bytes to C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Temp\ffd59710-d5de-48aa-8a5b-c60b4398785e\2\NUL.html


What am I doing wrong? Find attached a copy of error code along with a replica of the Alteryx workflow.


Thanks in advance. 

15 - Aurora

I see the workflow but not a NB Convert Error anywhere. Can you find and share the context around the actual NB Convert Error?

7 - Meteor

Can you run the workflow without any errors? The context isn't actually any different from the replica. Everyone bar me gets that NBConvertApp error and it doesn't make much sense to me I don't do any different from them. It's only the ticker info which changes in the actual workflow. Everything stays the same

15 - Aurora

I was between versions... now reinstalled.  OK... I also get an error.


Could you have the others who get failures go into the Python tool itself and execute each statement one at a time? Mine failed attempting to import pandas_datareader.  Perhaps your team has a similar issue, suggesting a need for them to get it installed on their machine?

7 - Meteor

Sorry for the late reply. Thanks for testing this error. As you can see from the attached workflow, I added 

pip install pandas-datareader

as part of the first of the initial python script to make sure that everyone who runs this workflow had access to that needed python package before going through the rest of the workflow. 

If I have to go through their PC and install that package outside of Alteryx, isn't this error a bug?


I will install the package on their local machine before re-running the workflow. I will let you know how it goes. 

7 - Meteor

I finally figured out the cause of the error. The command which was to ensure that everyone running that workflow had access to 'pandas-datareader' was set BEFORE the importation of the datareader package itself.


 This explains why anyone who hadn't installed that package in question prior to the running of the script ran into THAT error. By simply moving the installation code above the importation sequence, users can now run this python workflow. 
