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ODATA API - Alteryx

8 - Asteroid

Hi Guys ,


I am getting data from a work project management system via an ODATA API Connection


This was all working okay as of last month  and then mylaptop was changed as operating system upgrade failed so had to get new laptop -


I reinstalled Alteryx / Drivers and the relevant drivers and got my API up and running (Its a Alx gallery connection I am using on Alx v2020) 


However, I am noticing for some of the ODATA API Queries I am pulling from - I am now getting duplicate data - 


An example - For a project where I expect 9 months/periods and data I am 18 months periods - and double the $ amount and no of rows data - I have double everything


This wasn't an issue previously


If I connect the same ODATA API Queries to excel and Power BI I am getting 9 rows the correct amount (in above example) 



14 - Magnetar

@Tommy_Alterax that sounds pretty odd. So if you establish the connection in Alteryx you get double the amount of data versus you establishing the connection in Power BI? 


Are there additional tools on the canvas which are causing this i.e. union tools or is this straight out of source? 

If you're using a text input with a download tool to make the call to the api, does the text input have two lines in it by mistake hence the duplication?


All the best,

