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New to Predictive tools

5 - Atom

I have a database of invoiced orders, including vendor names and On-Time delivery status (Y/N).  Is there a predictive tool I can use to give me percentages of deliveries for each vendor that were on-time (Y's) so it can determine the best vendor to use in the future.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @LynnH730 


To get a percentage of this you wouldn't need to use a predictive tool. A combination of summarize tools to count the total records for each vendor & their delivery status should give you the data to calculate a percentage. 


The predictive tools would help go a step further if you wanted to see if there's certain days, products, etc that would be better to use vendors for. 

5 - Atom

Thank you!  I would LOVE to know how to predict what products should be bought from specific vendors.  Which tools would be used to do that?  I have years of data to pull from.  


9 - Comet

Hi @LynnH730, could you describe your use case, provide a sample data and point out what is your target variable (variable/column that you want to predict)?

5 - Atom

My use case would be to determine the vendor we should use to purchase an item at it's best savings using our past data.  The columns I have are the following:

Vendor Name

Item #



Ext Price

Ext Savings


So if I put in a Item #, it would show the best Vendor Name to purchase that item from, probably based on the best Ext Savings numbers?  Or even if I put in a Vendor Name, it could generate a list of the best items # to buy from that Vendor, again based on Ext Savings numbers? 


I hope that made sense.  I appreciate any help since using Predictives is so new to me.  Thank you!

9 - Comet

Thanks @LynnH730 for providing your use case. Base on your description, I agree with @Luke_C that instead of using predictive tools. A combination of summarize tools to get the best Vendor Name. And you could build an Analytical App on topic of that to run the report on the particular item # that you entered. 


Attached is an example for finding the best Vendor Name to purchase that item from, you could apply the similar logic to generate a list of the best items # to buy from a particular Vendor.



5 - Atom

Thank you very much for your example.  Seeing the workflow makes it more understandable to me.  


I SO appreciate everybody's help.   ðŸ˜Š

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