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Need help on a Parse Regex

5 - Atom

Hello the community,


I have some troubles on a Parse Regex for a txt file. This file is a products info list and I just want to extract some columns.


- Example (or see the image or file "Data set") :Data set.png


- What I am looking for is underlined (this is just 1 line):

18495746201812PROBIOTICA DARMBALANS CAPS STRIP 30ST 200910 C01A 8711744029548 15527557ONBEKEND CAPSULE 000000000000N.V.T. STRIP 00003000STUK 00001500STUK VEMEDIA# SNEDERLAND 000000000022PS


- What I want as output is:

RegEx out 1RegEx out 2RegEx out 3RegEx out 4RegEx out 5RegEx out 6RegEx out 7RegEx out 8RegEx out 9RegEx out 10RegEx out 11


I succeeded to parse the first three parts with this expression (\d+)(\d{6})(\u*) and I get blocked to continue and to extract the rest.

(see my attached workflow "Test regex").


Can anyone help me please? Should I continue with RegEx or maybe is there another tool which could do the trick?



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

This gets you a bit closer - just have to figure out a rule for CAPS STRIP 30ST



14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar



why don't you use an input with a flat ascii file format to get the data you want, it seems to me that your data set.txt would be perfect to do so!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I like @Ladarthure 's idea, but I've not given up on regex...


Granted, I've made a few assumptions that you might have to tweak, but here you go:



15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hello @Yanopoff14 maybe this help!

best regards..



Carlos A Teixeira
5 - Atom

Hi @DavidP , @Ladarthure  and @carlosteixeira ,


So great to have some help.


Thanks DavidP and carlosteixeira2005 for your regex. It took some time to try DavidP and carlosteixeira2005 solutions. Both were great and I learned a lot. However, it looks like the Regex cannot work for my file. From what I understand, it is because some products do not have all the columns filled (missing or nonexistent data). I tried modify them with the website regex101 but I failed!


I also tried Ladarthur solution. It worked just fine and you are right, it fit perfectly my file. Thanks a lot, I did not know about that extension and the way it works.


Thanks again everyone for your fast reply ;^)

