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Multiple worksheet order

7 - Meteor

I have to create multiple worksheets in a set order in an Excel spreadsheet. My workflow has logic to create about 10 worksheets. Based on the completion of a workflow, the worksheets are being created in that order. (which I do not want) I am also trying to avoid having workflow lines everywhere. Is there a way to have the sheets in a define order?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @lillyt2006 


One method you can use to control the sheet order is to use a "Block Until Done" tool. That way, the sheets get added on in the order you want them.


If you have more than three sheets, you can just chain as many "Block Until Done" tools as you need.




Hope this helps, if it does please like this post and if it helps resolve your problem, mark it as a solution. If you have any other questions, please let us know.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Using "Block until done" is generally a good practice when writing multiple sheets to the same document as it makes sure that one process is completed prior to initiating the next. Great advice...:)

7 - Meteor

@PanPP Good solutions. 

7 - Meteor

Thank you for solution.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Happy to help. Can you please mark it as a solution so other community members can see.
