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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Multiple text input in an App

11 - Bolide

I need something like the Text Input tool in an App.  Users need to be able to enter from 1 to multiple account numbers and have the results returned.  (I have a single account number working just fine)  I tried checking the "Multiline" check box but that doesn't seem to be working for me.  Is there a way to make the input for an App on the server look like the Text Box Input Tool where you have a cell to enter your account number then a new cell pops up and you can enter another and so on?


Thanks in advance for any help.

13 - Pulsar

Unfortunately, no.  What I've done in the past is added a multi-line Text Box with instructions in the prompt to comma separate account numbers.  Then, I use a Text To Columns tool and split it into separate rows using the comma as a delimiter.  Not ideal, but more or less gets the job done.


I'd be interested in hearing other solutions!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Maybe the report could be configured to support a concatenated string of account numbers? Change the question label from "Account Number" to "Account Numbers (comma separated)" for the user and in your module add a Text-To-Columns that splits commas to rows, or whatever record format works for your report.


EDIT: Haha, don't think I could have copied @danrh any better if I tried. 

13 - Pulsar

Lol.  Great minds and all that :)

11 - Bolide

Well, I don't think the users will like it but it works.  Thanks very much.

11 - Bolide

I had a similar issue, but my users would be copying in multiple values with a newline after each 'account number'. The Multiline Text Box can be made to update the 'Text Input' first row and then the 'Text To Columns' tool can 'Split to Rows' from the '\n' delimiter. If your users are copying pasting from Excel or other applications/sources that have the newline, this might be easier.

7 - Meteor

I am trying to achieve this, but for some reason it just simply is not working. It takes the first user entered value, but if the user enters more than one value, it won't pick those up. I've attached my workflow. Any chance you can help me figure out where I am going wrong?


invoice selector workflow.png

7 - Meteor

Oh gosh, I figured it out. The "Field Size" value was only set to like 3, so if I entered a few different values in there, it would only pick up the first 3 characters...


Thanks anyway!

5 - Atom

You can also use a regex_replace formula and replace "\n"
