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Multi-Row Formula question

7 - Meteor

I have a Date column called Min_FISCAL_DAY which contains the first day of the current Fiscal Month. I used the Union tool to join the Min_FISCAL_DAY column to another data set. After the join, all rows except the last row in the set are NULL. The last row contains the value for the Min_FISCAL_DAY, in  yyyy-mm-dd format. I am trying to populate all rows in the Min_FISCAL_DAY column with this same value that is in the last row. I have tried many different configurations and formulas in the Multi-row tool, without success. I want to do this so I can compare Min_FISCAL_DAY to CLOSEDATE and filter records where COSEDATE >= Min_FISCAL_DAY. See attached screen shot. Any suggestions?



13 - Pulsar

Union just stacks the data from one flow onto another. If you want to "join" I think you want to use the Append tool. 

7 - Meteor

thank you!
