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Min & Max Date

8 - Asteroid

Hi All,


I want to fetch the data between min and max dates as per user input date. some Days i want to include data from additional days. Please suggest me how to implement based on user selection. if i want add few more days how do build it. Any suggestion please.


Thanks In Advance,


15 - Aurora

Hi @NiranjanK1 ,

Please give us more information to give you "fastest possible solution". 

Posting for Fastest Possible Solution


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Yeah, the only suggestion we have right now is for more information & sample data + expected outputs. Then we can assist you better. Otherwise it's just guessing man lol.

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
8 - Asteroid

@caltang @Yoshiro_Fujimori  Please find the sample data we have in flow. If text input value zero we have to pic todays details. If text input value Min-1 and Max +2 i have pic the details yesterday to next two days. How to solve it. please suggest.


Input from usersMin DateMax DateOutput
 00Todays Details from Data
Input from usersMin DateMax DateOutput
 12yesterday to next 2days of Data 
8 - Asteroid

@caltang Any Suggessions please 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

From what you are telling me, user input in this case refers to an analytic app. 


Correct me if I am wrong - but the user story is something like this:

  1. User selects the dates of their choice.
  2. From the user selection, you get the MIN and MAX dates from the dates selected.
  3. From there, you get Min -1 and Max +2 of the data, and fetch you the Output.

To do this, you'll need an analytic app with an interface. But I have a few questions:

  1. What happens when there are multiple MIN/MAX dates of the same date? Which output will it show?
  2. What does Output even mean in relation to Book1 shared by you?
  3. What is the logic behind Min-1 and Max+2? I am heavily assuming here.

Unfortunately, we still do not have enough information to give you what you want. Can you kindly elaborate more?

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
10 - Fireball

I am not certain I have understood your problem correctly however I have created an Analytic App using Numeric up-downs as the input, that presents a table similar to the one you have posted. Let me know how you get on

Min Max Dates output.png

8 - Asteroid

@Pilsner thanks for the details, Based on your Output dates, now I need to fetch the data from book1 attached excel. User will give min and max dates range based on his selection we need to populate the data. Thanks in advance 

8 - Asteroid

@caltang thank you for your details 

1. User will give min and max dates 

2. Based on his dates range I have to goto the main data to fetch machine information. If 10 dates matching his dates range I have to fetch same data.

3. Minimum date -1 mean Yesterday, max dates 2 means today +2, he will enter in number format 1,2,3

4. If zero means always today's details 

5. Not always he will select date range, when ever requirement he will select dates -1 or 2

10 - Fireball

@NiranjanK1  My understanding of your problem is that you have an Excel workbook containing dates and a user will then need to come along and input a minimum and maximum value. The workflow should then use the minimum (x) to calculate a date (x) days before the date in the Excel workbook and the maximum (y) to calculate a date (y) days after the date already listed in the Excel workbook. These two new dates will be output. I have changed the Analytic App to do what I previously described however I'm still not certain I have understood the problem correctly. 


Please could I confirm if the minimum/ maximum values you refer to are input as an integer number of days or as a date?

If they are dates then would you mind trying to elaborate on the issue as I must have misunderstood?


Let me know how you get on with the current workflow.


Edited min max dates.png
