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Milestone tracking data model

6 - Meteoroid



I have some challenges manipulating milestones data in Alteryx and hoping someone can help.


Below is the input data that includes milestone start and end dates for 2 items. My goals is to calculate # of days it takes to complete each milestone for each item as well as to add a flag indicating whether the milestone is required or not (i.e. if there is a start date, then milestone is required, otherwise it is not). Some milestones may have a start date but no completed date so the days_to_complete will be 0, however I still want to show it as a required milestone.


I've tried to slice and dice the data different ways in Alteryx but wasn't able to get the desired output. Appreciate if anyone can point me in the right direction.


Current Input

Item #Milestone_CategoryMilestonePerformedOn
1Market AnalysisMarket Analysis_started1/1/20
1Market AnalysisMarket Analysis_completed1/15/20
1Rough PrototypesRough Prototypes_started2/6/20
1Rough PrototypesRough Prototypes_completed2/26/20
1Cost EstimatesCost Estimates_started1/20/20
1Cost EstimatesCost Estimates_completed3/1/20
1ArchitecturesArchitectures Design_started2/1/20
1ArchitecturesArchitectures Design_completed2/15/20
1Refine DesignRefine Design_started2/23/20
1Refine DesignRefine Design_completed 
2Market AnalysisMarket Analysis_started1/1/20
2Market AnalysisMarket Analysis_completed 
2Rough PrototypesRough Prototypes_started2/6/20
2Rough PrototypesRough Prototypes_completed 
2Cost EstimatesCost Estimates_started 
2Cost EstimatesCost Estimates_completed 
2ArchitecturesArchitectures Design_started 
2ArchitecturesArchitectures Design_completed 
2Refine DesignRefine Design_started 
2Refine DesignRefine Design_completed 


Desired Output

1Market Analysis111
1Rough Prototypes151
1Cost Estimates301
1Architectures Design101
1Refine Design 1
2Market Analysis 1
2Rough Prototypes 1
2Cost Estimates 0
2Architectures Design 0
2Refine Design 0
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



  • Firstly, I'd convert the dates into Alteryx friendly format (yyyy-mm-dd) using the DateTime module
  • I'd then re-code the Milestone field and remove the reference to category leaving me with only Started/Completed flag
  • Once the data's clean, I'd use the Crosstab module and reshape it to get Started and Completed dates on the same line
  • Lastly I'd create two new variables - milestone_required and #days_complete




See the attached example



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

hi @jannet2014 ,


I played around with this and I think the toughest part was to allocate the #days_complete column appropriately based on business days took to complete. I think @MichalM 's solution is great and simplistic if you are not worried about the business days took to complete the milestone. However, the solution I've attached allocates for business days and may be useful as well.




Hope this is helpful!




