I am trying to append 4 excel files.
All files are in the same folder and have same structure.
Each file has 4 tabs (Tab A, Tab B, Tab C, Tab D) and the same column names (1, 2, 3, 4).
My goal is to join these 4 files together with the columns from the 4 Tab A, 4 Tab B, 4 Tab C and 4 Tab D, in one output folder
Thank you in advance.
I am facing this issue, at the moment.
Sorry I should have attached the package. Try this one and please adjust the directory to make it work.
Hi @beatrizmguerreiro ,
I've attached a workflow and a couple of macros that get around this problem and will output exactly as you want.
It also allows you to filter the sheets/files you don't want if there are any.