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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Maintaining Historical files

8 - Asteroid

Hi I have created the below workflow to union History and new file when the months are equal. This workflow only helps when the month is equal. How do I put a logic to allow when the month are not equal then append the new month data. it is like you keep daily records and when the month changes the data of the new month gets appended to the January last date data so my historical file will have both Jan last day extracted data and Feb 1st day data. 





Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team



It's a little hard to give you an answer without seeing the data, but based on your screen shot you are using a Filter tool to match the months. This would mean anything that didn't match went to the False side. I am assuming that's the data you are now trying to get back into the flow and then put in order?


If this is the case, I would either add another Union tool after the first Union tool and connect the 1st Union tool and the False output from the Filter then sort.


If this isn't the case, it would help to see what the data looks like at the point you are at and what the end point of the data should look like.
