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Macro that allows me to select a field and run a Groupby/Count on that field - Help.

8 - Asteroid

Hi Everyone!


I'm trying to build a Macro that looks at my file, allows me to choose a field via a Drop Down Menu and then runs a simple GroupBy / Count on that Field. 


Ideally the macro would allow me to choose multiple fields and then run a GroupBy / Count on each field, but i'm not sure if that is possible. 


I attached my Alteryx Workflow along with my failed attempt of a macro. 


Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.



18 - Pollux

Hey Javier,


Just to be clear - a dropdown or listbox for multiple selections in a macro will be set by someone using the workflow - a dropdown in an app can be set by a user... which one would you prefer?


Also - how do you want the final output? Like rejoined based upon a unique id which is always with the data or just floating? Like imagine you've got two columns selected and count/grouped on - what do you want your output to look like?


Attached is the most basic version (as an app)

8 - Asteroid

I guess a listbox makes more sense - as i would be able to choose what fields i wanted to process. 


The output i was thinking an excel file would be nice.  


So if i chose one field - GENDER for example the output would look like this:



F                  102

M                  98

U                  14


Thanks for the help!

18 - Pollux

Did you check out the app I posted?

8 - Asteroid

@apathetichell  - I've never used an App before but this is exactly what i was trying to build.


Ideally i would like to be able to point this to a file of mine - how would i edit the app to do this? 


I may have to start learning how to build and edit Apps now. Thanks!



18 - Pollux

Fun! Glad it worked!


For new data - put an input data tool on the canvas and point that to your dropdown and to you transpose (ie the exact same connections where the text input are) - everything else should be the same. run it once before hitting the wand...


to output hook an output tool and give it a name/location or use table/render etc...
