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Macro output does not show all result

8 - Asteroid

Hi everyone,


I have built a macro to loop some xml files, the macro runs smoothly, but I was wondering why the output anchor of this macro does not show all results.


For example I input 4 xml files, when I click the output anchor of macro, it only show 1 record, like this:




But if I drag Browse tool, the result will have 4 records:




The question is why macro only shows 1 record? In case it only shows partial of result, the result should have been "1 records displayed (of 4 records)"?


Do you have any idea to explain this? Because I cannot be sure if I continue to work with the macro it will connect with all 4 records or only 1?


Here is my working attached below for your review.


Thank you very much.


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I've had the same experience.

But I didn't know exactly why it happens.

All I can say is that it works fine as a workflow, because you usually connect the tool behind the macro.

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

I think because either batch or iterative macro only output one result at each run, at the output some "container" is required to union the data, so at least a browse tool is necesary..



8 - Asteroid

Hi @Qiu 


I'm not sure about the reason about macro only output 1 iteration each run, because I have an another workflow that does exactly the same purpose to my question, that is to loop xml files and return results, and it works perfectly :))





I even copied the macro above to use in mine, but still the result only shows 1 record :))



8 - Asteroid

Hi @AkimasaKajitani 


Yeah I tried to connect tools after the macro, it seems that the workflow still runs with 4 output results. I guess it still records all results.
