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Looping in alteryx

8 - Asteroid

Hi all,

I creating a loop which is trying to do as follows



 however, when im trying to create a loop, it seems like i was not able to recreate what the output was in the screenshot above.


Can someone please inform me what did i do wrong?

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula


You don't need to put Filter tool right after Macro input tool because this is Batch macro. If you select Tile_Num as Control Parameter of Batch macro, then the record having the same Tile_Num is fed to Batch macro one by one.

For reference, I attach my WF to show how to configure Batch macro. Unfortunately it outputs nothing, but I guess it works with your real data.


8 - Asteroid

Ran into a bit of a snag while trying to plug your macro into my current workflow. It looks like it's churning out way more row items than planned. To be precise, for tile number 1, I expected around 588 items, but the macro is going wild and generating a whopping 225,000 rows of data.


I'm starting to think I might be missing something about how this macro operates. My aim is to have all the tile number 1 items go through the data flow and then have the whole process kick off again in a loop.


Any insights or advice on what might be causing this row item overload? Maybe there's a setting I need to tweak?

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Without seeing your data, I cannot specifically advise more.

Any chance of sharing  a kind of sample file?

8 - Asteroid

Please find the attached sample input and output

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula


Thank you for providing data, now I see it. Please try attached WF again. 


When Control parameter is used, you need to input unique value for Control group to "?" anchor. So in this case, I put Summarize tool to create unique value of "Tile_Num". It iterates the same number of input records to "?" anchor. In this case, it's 2 iterations.


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