We have database which have more than 50 tables including some lookup tables. We created workflow for each table to migrate data in database and it's working fine. Now i want make on task or schedular which load lookups first and than main. Is there any way can we create such one task or workflow or schedular that includes all the table.
Your support is highly appriciated
the easiest way is to put them all on one workflow and use Control Containers to determine the run sequence.
You can find out more about Control Containers here:
Hi @jamshed07 , so you have one workflow for each table, and you want to run them in a certain order? Have a look at the 'List Runner' macro made by CReW. This macro takes a list of Alteryx workflows as an input, and then runs them sequentially. It will also output the logs from each run. You can download CReW macros here: http://www.chaosreignswithin.com/p/macros.html