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Let's Talk About Cache

11 - Bolide

I have something that I do not know the answer to when it comes to using the Input Tool's "Cache Data" checkbox option.    Does this cache have a time-to-live before it re-runs, or once checked will it never re-pull data?


I found a place in a published workflow that had that cache data checked, and it makes me wonder if this should always be on the checklist to look for before publishing a production workflow (i.e. NEVER PUBLISH with this option checked?)


Seems like it would be a master on/off like there is for browse tools if it never re-pulls data.   Can anyone confirm or tell me why you might want this checked in a published workflow.



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

It should remain cached as long as a) you don't clear the cache or b) the workflow is open in Designer! That's at least my experience - not sure if you or anyone else has experienced something different

11 - Bolide

What happens when your workflow is published?  Does a cached dataset (used on your desktop) get uploaded with the workflow, does it run the first time and then stay or is it not used on the gallery?

15 - Aurora

Hi @john_watkins ,


I do not find "Chache Data" checkbox option in the Configuration of Input Data tool.



I use the "Cache and Run Workflow" in Tool Right-Click Options on a workflow.

Are you talking on this function? If so, this function cannot be used on Gallery, as there is no way to "right-click".



If you are talking about some other function, please let me know how to use it.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@john_watkins it is not used on the Gallery from my understanding - it is just for your “session” in Designer Desktop. 

@Yoshiro_Fujimori it’s the Cache option that you have in the Input Data tool when running database connections!

15 - Aurora

@john_watkins none of these articles mention the server or gallery.  Unfortunate.  Looks like we're left to "guess" that cache is disabled on the server, even if the checkbox is checked in an Input Data tool.


Just take the Cache and Run! Caching in 2018.3


What Can't Be Cached?


Tool Mastery | Input Data



11 - Bolide

Thanks all.      I think I was thrown me off that the input tool's cache data option was checked.   Now if it just doesn't run on the server that would make sense.   I'll look through those link @ChrisTX 
