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[Knowledge Sharing] Read Excel Data without Strikethrough Data

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

I'd like to share my developed workflow which enables you to read excel data WITHOUT strikethrough data. 

Alteryx standard input tool read data regardless of being strikethrough or not since it is just a kind of font styles such as bold, italic..., while excel creator/reader might want to distinguish them for ease of data process.


All yxmd and yxmc files are archived in the attached .yxzp file.


For example, if you have excel as below.


This workflow will output like this; strikethrough data are totally(or partially) removed. Of course, no-strikethrough data are output as it is. 


Also you can compare data for cells having strikethrough data to see the change between 'before' and 'after'.



You just have to specify the directory which contains target excel files so you can process multiple excel files at once.


Please try it out if you are annoyed with handling strikethrough data.


NOTE: Apologize for any unexpected error and inconvenience it may occur though I checked its functionality as much as possible.


Hope this could help you, thanks!

17 - Castor

Hi @gawa 


Its a nice one. Much appreciated.


I would also recommend you to upload the macro in the Gallery for everyone's benefit in the future.




Many thanks

Shanker V

15 - Aurora

thanks for sharing.
